

redis lua脚本高效技巧

Posted by Liangjf on January 9, 2021

go-bindata实现redis lua脚本高效技巧

实际写业务的时候, 在使用redis时, 为了原子性, 经常会使用到嵌入lua脚本的方法, 把逻辑包装在lua文件中, 发到redis-server原子执行

下面以 对消息队列的消息做幂等性判重的业务 来介绍一种高效的方案

借助redis的set来实现判重, lua脚本(check_seq.lua)如下:

local seqKey        = KEYS[1]
local seqID            = ARGV[1]
local expireTime     = ARGV[2]

local ret = redis.call('sadd', seqKey, seqID)
if ret == 1 then
    redis.call('expire', seqKey, expireTime)


一般开发者, 理所当然的迅速写下如下代码:

path := "res/lua/check_seq.lua"
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDONLY, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()

_, err = f.Read(data)
if err != nil {

script := redis.NewScript(1, string(data))
r, err := redis.Int64(script.Do(client, KeyTimerLock, ip, expireTime))
if err != nil {

此做法, 功能是没问题的. 但是仔细想想, 当业务体量大, 高并发时, 每次频繁的打开关闭文件, 会消耗大量不必要的资源, 从而影响服务的性能

当然, 有人会说, 服务启动时打开文件, 服务关闭时一起关闭所有lua文件, 这样就可以避免每次使用redis lua脚本时频繁打开关闭lua文件的性能消耗. 这样做有不好的地方: 1.忘记关闭文件, 造成资源泄露. 2.文件过多或多个服务在同一台机器时, 同时打开很多文件, 会造成资源的浪费

个人觉得比较好的方案是利用go的go-bindata打包静态资源的方法, 把lua脚本打包为静态资源文件, 从而可以直接读取lua脚本的二进制数据, 避免运行时文件的打开. 唯一的坏处就是打包的服务可执行文件较大


通过go-bindata把 redis lua文件 打包为go静态代码(会生成bindata.go文件, 里面都是静态资源), 避免每次redis.NewScript时因频繁打开lua文件, 影响性能


├── assets
│   ├── go-bindata
│   ├── go-bindata-osx
│   └── res
│       └── lua


  • linux环境: go-bindata
  • win环境: go-bindata-osx

在项目的assets目录, 执行以下命令 ./go-bindata -pkg=assets -ignore=\.git res/…

├── assets
│   ├── bindata.go
│   ├── go-bindata
│   ├── go-bindata-osx
│   └── res
│       └── lua

可以看到, 生成了 bindata.go文件(文章末尾)

bindata.go_resFts_myself_scriptLua就是check_seq.lua的二进制数据, 按照以下方法即可得到lua文件内容

path := "res/lua/check_seq.lua"
data, err = assets.Asset(path)
if err != nil {

script := redis.NewScript(1, string(data))
r, err := redis.Int64(script.Do(client, KeyTimerLock, ip, expireTime))
if err != nil {


func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error) {
    cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
    if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok {
        a, err := f()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s can't read by error: %v", name, err)
        return a.bytes, nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)


var _bindata = map[string]func() (*asset, error){
    "res/check_seq.lua": resCheck_seqLua,

通过ggo-bindata, 生成静态资源的方式, 直接打入可执行文件, 并借助生成代码来直接获取lua文件内容, 高效读取lua文件二进制数据, 避免了使用redis的lua脚本方式的频繁打开关闭文件的性能损失


善用go自带的工具, 高效解决问题



// Code generated by go-bindata.
// sources:
// res/check_seq.lua

package asset

import (

func bindataRead(data []byte, name string) ([]byte, error) {
    gz, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read %q: %v", name, err)

    var buf bytes.Buffer
    _, err = io.Copy(&buf, gz)
    clErr := gz.Close()

    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read %q: %v", name, err)
    if clErr != nil {
        return nil, err

    return buf.Bytes(), nil

type asset struct {
    bytes []byte
    info  os.FileInfo

type bindataFileInfo struct {
    name    string
    size    int64
    mode    os.FileMode
    modTime time.Time

func (fi bindataFileInfo) Name() string {
    return fi.name
func (fi bindataFileInfo) Size() int64 {
    return fi.size
func (fi bindataFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode {
    return fi.mode
func (fi bindataFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time {
    return fi.modTime
func (fi bindataFileInfo) IsDir() bool {
    return false
func (fi bindataFileInfo) Sys() interface{} {
    return nil

var _resCheck_seqLua = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x09\x6e\x88\x00\xff\xca\xc9\x4f\x4e\xcc\x51\x28\x4e\x2d\xf4\x4e\xad\xe4\xe4\xb4\x55\xf0\x76\x8d\x0c\x8e\x36\x8c\xe5\xe5\x82\x4b\x78\xba\x28\x00\x01\x48\xce\x31\xc8\x3d\x0c\x49\x2e\xb5\xa2\x20\xb3\x28\x35\x24\x33\x37\x55\x01\x26\x69\x04\x94\x84\x49\x17\xa5\x96\x28\xd8\x02\xc9\x94\xcc\x62\x3d\x20\x3f\x47\x43\xbd\x38\x31\x25\x45\x5d\x07\x6a\x99\x0e\xc4\x6c\x4d\x5e\xae\xcc\x34\x88\x5a\x5b\x05\x43\x85\x92\x8c\xd4\x3c\x5e\x2e\x90\x85\xc8\x1a\x21\x36\x21\x69\x45\x58\x0d\xd4\x9f\x9a\x97\x02\x08\x00\x00\xff\xff\xea\x11\xff\x1c\xc6\x00\x00\x00")

func resCheck_seqLuaBytes() ([]byte, error) {
    return bindataRead(

func resCheck_seqLua() (*asset, error) {
    bytes, err := resCheck_seqLuaBytes()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    info := bindataFileInfo{name: "res/check_seq.lua", size: 198, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1609840881, 0)}
    a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
    return a, nil


// Asset loads and returns the asset for the given name.
// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or
// could not be loaded.
func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error) {
    cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
    if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok {
        a, err := f()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s can't read by error: %v", name, err)
        return a.bytes, nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)

// MustAsset is like Asset but panics when Asset would return an error.
// It simplifies safe initialization of global variables.
func MustAsset(name string) []byte {
    a, err := Asset(name)
    if err != nil {
        panic("asset: Asset(" + name + "): " + err.Error())

    return a

// AssetInfo loads and returns the asset info for the given name.
// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or
// could not be loaded.
func AssetInfo(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
    cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
    if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok {
        a, err := f()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s can't read by error: %v", name, err)
        return a.info, nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s not found", name)

// AssetNames returns the names of the assets.
func AssetNames() []string {
    names := make([]string, 0, len(_bindata))
    for name := range _bindata {
        names = append(names, name)
    return names

// _bindata is a table, holding each asset generator, mapped to its name.
var _bindata = map[string]func() (*asset, error){
    "res/check_seq.lua": resCheck_seqLua,

// AssetDir returns the file names below a certain
// directory embedded in the file by go-bindata.
// For example if you run go-bindata on data/... and data contains the
// following hierarchy:
//     data/
//       foo.txt
//       img/
//         a.png
//         b.png
// then AssetDir("data") would return []string{"foo.txt", "img"}
// AssetDir("data/img") would return []string{"a.png", "b.png"}
// AssetDir("foo.txt") and AssetDir("notexist") would return an error
// AssetDir("") will return []string{"data"}.
func AssetDir(name string) ([]string, error) {
    node := _bintree
    if len(name) != 0 {
        cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
        pathList := strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/")
        for _, p := range pathList {
            node = node.Children[p]
            if node == nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)
    if node.Func != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)
    rv := make([]string, 0, len(node.Children))
    for childName := range node.Children {
        rv = append(rv, childName)
    return rv, nil

type bintree struct {
    Func     func() (*asset, error)
    Children map[string]*bintree
var _bintree = &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{
    "res": &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{
        "check_seq.lua": &bintree{resCheck_seqLua, map[string]*bintree{}},

// RestoreAsset restores an asset under the given directory
func RestoreAsset(dir, name string) error {
    data, err := Asset(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    info, err := AssetInfo(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = os.MkdirAll(_filePath(dir, filepath.Dir(name)), os.FileMode(0755))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = ioutil.WriteFile(_filePath(dir, name), data, info.Mode())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = os.Chtimes(_filePath(dir, name), info.ModTime(), info.ModTime())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// RestoreAssets restores an asset under the given directory recursively
func RestoreAssets(dir, name string) error {
    children, err := AssetDir(name)
    // File
    if err != nil {
        return RestoreAsset(dir, name)
    // Dir
    for _, child := range children {
        err = RestoreAssets(dir, filepath.Join(name, child))
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func _filePath(dir, name string) string {
    cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
    return filepath.Join(append([]string{dir}, strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/")...)...)